Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sometimes, relationship issues are NOT the problem!

The emotional effects of low libido don’t only affect the woman herself, but they affect her partner and her children because like it or not, we are teaching the next generation how to age and remain vibrant. 

If your low libido is causing you distress, there SHOULD be available pharmaceutical choices.  Yes, sex therapy MAY help and yes, counseling MAY help but for many of us these are either not effective or more importantly, NOT THE ISSUE!!

The excerpts below from "Relationship Advice with MaryJo" underscore the importance of obtaining a proper diagnosis of HSDD and it's underlying cause...

Absolutely,"addressing the emotional causes of low libido should be the first step you take in addressing why you no longer desire sex, your partner, or your intimate life"  and "relationship problems must also be ruled out prior to asking your doctor for help with medical interventions"

The questions below SHOULD be asked :
  1. How is your mental health? Anxiety and depression must be ruled out. 
  2. Stress level. Do you have stress regarding work, finances or lack of sleep?
  3. Poor body image (do you feel less attractive)?
  4. Low self-esteem. Did you just lose a job or is one of your children floundering?
  5. A history of physical, verbal or sexual abuse lowers libido.
It is HSDD IN THE ABSENCE of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, marital distress, poor body image and low self-esteem that currently "gets the short end of the stick" in terms of medical solutions.

Having been on a clinical trial for a medical intervention for HSDD, it is time to EVEN THE SCORE.  There needs to be a balance of therapy and medical intervention - there is no perfect drug or perfect answer but we deserve choices.

Thanks MaryJo for this read!

Friday, January 9, 2015

SEX Matters, Baby

Wondering where your MOJO went?  Want to feel SHAGADELIC Baby??

Awesome read by Dr. Michael Krychman!!  ( see bio below )

Sex Matters: Managing Your Mojo, Part 1

By  on January 7th, 2015Categories: Sex Matters

In last month’s blog posting, we saw that the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration has considered 
lowered sexual interest or lowered libido an unmet 
medical need. Many women who have breast 
cancer feel like their libido has vanished —
gone and doomed never to return.
With the recent newly published
Diagnostic and Statistical  Manual V (DSMV), 
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and 
Sexual Arousal Disorder  have been combined into one 
specific  diagnosis: Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder.
Let’s look at some of the factors that help healthcare providers make the
1. Lack of, or significantly reduced, sexual interest/arousal due to three
of the following:
  • absent/reduced interest in sexual activity
  • absent/reduced sexual/erotic thoughts or fantasies
  • no/reduced initiation of sexual activity and lack of receptivity 
  • to partner’s attempts to initiate
  • absent/reduced sexual excitement/pleasure during sexual activity in 
  • almost all or all (75%-100%) sexual encounters
  • absent/reduced sexual interest/arousal in response to any internal 
  • or external sexual/erotic cues (written, verbal, visual)
  • absent/reduced genital or non-genital sensations during sexual activity 
  • in almost all or all (75%-100%) sexual encounters
2. Symptoms should be persistent for a minimum of 6 months and should not
be the result of the following:
  • a nonsexual mental disorder
  • severe relationship distress
  • other significant environmental or situational stressors
  • effects of substance/medication or other medical conditions
Breast cancer and its treatments may bring some confusion when it comes
to lowered libido. For many women living with cancer, lowered libido may be
a direct result of their diagnosis, and/or treatments or regular medications;
this would exclude them from the “official on-paper diagnosis.” But this does
not mean that we can’t help or suggest some potential solutions to improve
libido! Most women will recover from their surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation 
therapy and are tolerating their medications. They use lubricants, have no 
sexual pain, and report that their relationships are excellent and supportive. 
Yet some report a vanishing sexual mojo — no sexual thoughts or fantasies. 
It’s as if they’ve lost an important aspect of their overall sexual function.
How do we manage this challenge? We’ll talk about different approaches in
part two of this column next month! In the meantime, use the comments
area below to let us know if you’ve had difficulty with libido.

Michael L. Krychman, M.D.C.M., is the executive director of the
Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine
in Newport Beach, California. He is the former co-director of the
Sexual Medicine and Rehabilitation Program at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Dr. Krychman is also an American Association of Sexuality Educators,
Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) certified sexual counselor. He is an
associate clinical professor at the University of California, Irvine, Division of
Gynecological Oncology, and the medical director of
Ann’s Clinic, a high-risk program for breast and ovarian cancer survivors.
His special interests include menopausal health, hormone therapy, sexual pain
disorders, loss of libido, and chronic medical illness and its impact on female
sexual function as well as breast cancer sexuality. Dr. Krychman is also a
member of the Professional Advisory Board.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Practical Prescription

Great read on keeping desire alive during menopause.  Practical ideas and tips but what is missing is a PRESCRIPTION medication to help out when none of these work.  Even if a happily married couple is mindful and proactive at incorporating these "tricks of the trade", for many a woman's desire still is not present.

We all have access to "pick me up's " for loss of happy mood, loss of adequate thyroid, loss of energy, loss of sleep, get the picture.

Why don't we have access to a drug for loss of desire??

It's time to EVEN THE SCORE!!

Love, Sweat and Tears

This promises to be very enlightening and informative...check out the cast!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The mystery of DESIRE

Excellent read ( or watch ) regarding long term relationship desire.  With so many factors, how nice would it be to have an FDA approved choice for women to take one worry OFF our plate!!