Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gentlemen, make that 26 to ONE!! ADDYI approved!

I texted my husband and said...it's gonna be a great winter to cozy up, Cowboy!!  Lucky for him, he loves to hibernate under the covers with me and is a bear at heart!  Even luckier that we will have the privilege of experiencing life WITHOUT HSDD again!

Today, after almost 5 years of exhaustive efforts, the FDA approved the first ever prescription drug therapy for women suffering from HSDD - Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder - ADDYI!!!

A moment in HERSTORY for millions of women who have experienced a loss of interest in sex, even when they deeply love their partner!

For the 9 or so months I took ADDYI (flibanserin), my interest in  sex returned and I was an equally participative and initiating partner...much like I was for the first several years of our relationship.

No, nothing changed.  I wasn't depressed.  There was nothing physically wrong.  We were emotionally strong and connected.  We enjoyed romance and I was comfortable in my own skin - naked and clothed.

But one day, several years into our relationship, my desire to have sex left the building.  When HE initiated, sex was great!  But if he didn't start, "it" didn't happen.Thankfully, I came across the clinical trial for flibanserin!  For those months, my desire was "normalized" to where it had been.  Even more importantly, during that time, my husband and I began communicating about sex, interest and desire...the one area of life that previously had been left silent.  

For us, ADDYI was relationship saving, life changing...and I hope every woman suffering with low desire and distress will not only consult their physician asap to see if you are living with HSDD but also communicate with your partner.  Let them know that what your are experiencing is valid and treatable.  Consider your options and choose a path that fits you best.

ADDYI worked for me...for us.  I cannot begin to tell you how elated I am that the FDA finally has given it a green light and how forward I look to getting a prescription, heading to the pharmacy and reclaiming my desire!

I am so appreciative of all those who have supported this effort, who share my story and most importantly to my husband who has patiently understood and been by my side as I spoke passionately about this personal matter.  He is the real hero, here.  Something I will never forget!!

#womendeserve     #HERSTORY     #eventhescore     #ADDYI

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amanda Parrish,

    My name is Laura Chaparro and I am a science journalist in SINC http://www.agenciasinc.es/, a Spanish scientific agency. I am writing an article about Addyi and the low sexual desire in women and I would like to know your opinion with 5 questions:

    1. How was your life with HSDD?
    2. How did you know the trials with flibanserin?
    3. Have you felt side effects?
    4. Do you carry on taking Addyi nowadays?
    5. How is your life now?

    My deadline is in two days - next Wednesday. I've tried to write you by email but I couldn't find it. My email is laura.chaparro.dominguez@gmail.com If you could write me an email with your answers, I will be very grateful.

    Thank you very much. Best regards

    Laura Chaparro
